FLASE hosted another great Book Fair and Family Night at Edison School, yesterday February 9th and today February 10th. Thank you to our board members Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Baldofsky for being guest readers, as well as our teachers, Ms. Mulkey and Mr. Cannon. Our students always enjoy these fun and memorable nights!
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
book fair
book fair
book fair
book fair
Today Edison School participated in their monthly visit from the Fair Lawn Public Library. Each month the students at Edison enjoy an interactive story time, filled with songs, read alouds and dancing. Thank you to the Fair Lawn Public Library for making this experience possible for our students!
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
library visit
library visit
Pre-K students also “Run on Dunkin”! Students in Ms. Mulkey’s pre-K class participate in a Dunkin Donuts drive thru as part of the Tools of the Mind curriculum.
almost 2 years ago, Thomas Edison School
Dunkin drive thru
Dunkin drive thru
Under the direction of music teacher Ms. Melanie Lota, Edison students sang, rang bells, and marched around the gym performing their annual holiday concert in front of family, friends and staff!
almost 2 years ago, Thomas Edison School
winter concert