Due to severe weather conditions, we have made the difficult decision to close school today. We want to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and families during challenging weather. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Stay safe and warm.
25 days ago, Fair Lawn Public Schools
winter road
If this cold snap has you dreaming of warmer temps... we've got a little pick-me-up for you today! The Fair Lawn Community School is now hiring for Summer 2025 counselors & instructors. Learn more by checking out the openings on https://www.applitrack.com/fairlawnschools/onlineapp/ Deadline to apply is March 30!
about 1 month ago, Fair Lawn Public Schools
FL Community School now hiring for summer 2025 counselors & instructors
On May 14, Edison School participated in the Bubble Show for Apraxia awareness. This event was sponsored by FLASE. Thank you FLASE for always providing wonderful events for our students!
9 months ago, Thomas Edison School
So long Pre-K it's been fun! Look out Kindergarten HERE WE COME! Congratulations to the 2024 Preschool Graduates from Edison School! We are so proud of each and every one of you and wish you all the best!
9 months ago, Thomas Edison School
Last week was a great week here at Edison filled with a potato bar lunch, raffles, goodie bags, the annual plant sale and a delicious breakfast. Thank you to FLASE for always showing your support and appreciation to the Edison staff and students!
10 months ago, Thomas Edison School
plant sale
Our Mother's Day Plant Sale is Thursday, May 9th from 9:00-3:30pm. Please see flyer for details. We hope to see you there!
10 months ago, Thomas Edison School
plant sale
order form
Thomas Edison School celebrated Read Across America this past week. Students and staff participated in daily activities including wearing silly socks, hats, and culminating with our favorite pajama day. We are thankful to our guest readers including Mrs. DeFranco, Mr. Pitrelli and Board of Education member Michael Rosenberg.
12 months ago, Thomas Edison School
Read Across America Week! See attached schedule!
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
read across america
Join FLASE for their Parent Information Exchange Meeting this Wednesday 2/28 7pm @ Memorial Middle School media center!
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
pie meeting
Come join us for Edison School Family Night! Hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
family night
Tomorrow, January 19, 2024, Fair Lawn Schools will have an early dismissal due to the impending weather forecast. The Edison School classes will run as follows: AM Session will run it's normal class time 8:40 - 11:15 PM Session is cancelled Full Day students attend from 8:40 - 12:45 Please note that we will not be able to order lunches tomorrow. All full day students will need to bring lunch. Have a good rest of your evening and be safe
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
Good Evening, Tomorrow, January 17, 2024, Fair Lawn Schools will be operating on a delayed opening schedule. Edison School hours are as follows: AM Pre-K 10:10am - 11:40am PM Pre-K 12:30pm - 3:00pm Full Day Pre-K 10:10am - 3:00pm Please Be Safe
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
Good Evening, Tomorrow, January 16, 2024, Fair Lawn Schools will be operating on a delayed opening schedule. Edison School hours are as follows: AM Pre-K 10:10am - 11:40am PM Pre-K 12:30pm - 3:00pm Full Day Pre-K 10:10am - 3:00pm Please Be Safe
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
SNOW much fun in December, here at Edison School. Students participated in a wonderful holiday concert under the direction of Miss Lota. In addition, families and staff collaborated with the Fair Lawn Police Department to participate in their annual toy drive. We look forward to what is to come in the New Year!
about 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
On Monday, November 6th the students at Edison School in a Diwali celebration. Thank you to the parents who came in and shared a story and educated our students on Diwali traditions.
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
Friday, October 6th the students at Edison School had their first library visit of the year! Once a month the students at Edison enjoy a half hour storytime compliments of the Fair Lawn Public Library! Our students and staff look forward to this each month!
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
kids lib
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30pm. Please remember that this is an adult night only. We look forward to seeing you!
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
Edison School showed their support for Apraxia Awareness on May 12th as they dressed in BLUE. In addition, FLASE provided a wonderful performance for the students from the Bossy Frog Band. "When words fail, music speaks." Thank you FLASE, the students enjoyed this very much!
over 1 year ago, Thomas Edison School
bossy band
bossy band
bossy band
bossy band
Good Evening Fair Lawn Parents/Guardians, The Fair Lawn Board of Education is working with Strategic Educational Advantage (“SEA”) Search firm to assist it in identifying a Superintendent of Schools to lead the Fair Lawn Public Schools. As part of this process, SEA is seeking input from our families. Your input will help build the profile, characteristics, and experience the new superintendent will possess. We thank you for assisting and your participation in this process. You are invited to participate on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30pm in the FLHS Auditorium so that you can provide feedback and hear about the timeline and process. Thank you for participating if you are able to make it. Sincerely, Ron Barbarulo, FL BOE President
over 1 year ago, FL Superintendent
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of our teachers! FLASE in conjunction with the Edison Sunshine Committee celebrated our teachers all week this week daily surprises. From taco and pizza lunches, to our new Keurig, to stocking the staff lounge with tons of treats, to a daily prize raffle, it's been an incredible week! Thank You so much!
almost 2 years ago, Thomas Edison School
teacher app